Patrick's Technology Radar

A software architecture asset is the known technologies they use to meet their clients' needs. One technique for continuously monitoring and evaluating relevant technologies is a technology radar. This page shows my current technology radar.

Patrick's Technology Radar
Patrick's Technology Radar

Technologies can be programming languages & frameworks, tools, platforms, or specific techniques.

The following technology radar is based on the structure of the ThoughtWorks technology radar. This technology radar is constantly updated.

Hint 1: I have compiled a list of various public technology radars. 👇

Inspirational Technology Radar Examples
In this article you will find inspiring examples of different companies documenting their technology management with a technology radar and making the results public.

Hint 2: Why should you actively manage technology? 👇

Technical Debt Scenario #4: Hype Driven Development
The development team is always on the hunt for the latest technology hype. Currently, there are more than two front-end frameworks used for the product and the time to launch new features is getting longer and longer. What would you do?

Languages & Frameworks

The section Languages & Frameworks contains programming languages and supporting frameworks.


What is NgRx and why is it used in Angular apps?
This post will show you what NgRx is and why it is used in modern Angular frontend architectures.





The 'Tools' section contains supporting engineering tools.


  • Git Infrastructure
Which Git merge strategy is appropriate for our team?
How do you make your feature development traceable and easy to read in your Git history? How do you keep your Git history clean? What is the best Git merge strategy for our team?





This section contains platforms that form the basis for building applications.



Architecture and Technology Stack of Supabase ⚡
Supabase under the hood. This post shows you the high-level architecture and the technology stack of Supabase.




This section contains supporting techniques during the engineering process.


What is Infrastructure as Code? And why do you need it?
This article describes what Infrastructure as Code is and what problems Infrastructure as Code can solve. We also discuss the benefits and challenges of Infrastructure as Code and which tools are suitable for Infrastructure as Code.
What is a monorepo and when should it be used?
In contrast to polyrepo, there’s the monorepo technique: a monorepo is a single repository for an entire organisation that contains several different projects with clearly defined relationships.


Impact Mapping: Our Impact as an agile organisation
We often talk a lot about various initiatives and the resulting technical solutions in detail. But we often do so without keeping in mind the specific business objective and the desired impact we want to achieve. This is where Impact Mapping comes in.
Step-by-step guide: Create an Impact Map using a real-world example
In this practical guide, you’ll learn how to create an Impact Map for a specific business goal and get a template for your next impact mapping session.
Trunk-Based Development: An approach to shortening the Time-To-Market
This blog post shows why you should look at Trunk-Based Development technique and why you should use it to shorten the time-to-market for new features.
What is Documentation as Code? And why do you need it?
“Documentation as Code” means that your documentation process benefits from the same techniques used in software development.
Software Architecture Canvas: A Collaborative Way to Your Software Architecture
The Software Architecture Canvas is a collaborative technique for elaborating the software architecture playground of a software initiative. With this canvas, you can work efficiently, iteratively, and in a time-saving manner on the software architecture of your software products as a team sport.



  • Estimate user stories by days / hours
  • Single Page Applications per default
Which web frontend architecture fits best?
This post will help you find the right web frontend architecture that best fits your specific quality goals.